We couldn’t be more grateful for the success of our inaugural WALK to END HYDROCEPHALUS in Orange County back in October. We’ve been praised for having the MOST successful walk in the country for 2019. We can’t stress enough how thankful we are for all of the support. We are excited about what may transform from this fundraising and awareness.

We realize we haven’t updated everyone about Shea’s health in a while, but know this has been intentional. As technology continues to change and Shea continues to grow, we are conscious that Shea gets to read all of this one day. While we are living this with him, it is his story to tell and share if he chooses.

That said, he’s been relatively healthy this year and we are so incredibly grateful for that. It sure beats the nine rounds of antibiotics he was on last year! We continue to long for the day his age surpasses his surgery count, but for the mean time it currently stands at age four, with five surgeries and one more anticipated by the end of Spring. His hydrocephalus continues to be monitored with annual MRIs requiring anesthesia. He continues to conquer weekly therapy sessions and doctor’s appointments and does it mostly with grace. When you add it all together, he easily surpasses 200 appointments a year!

As for WALK news, SAVE THE DATE for the 2nd annual WALK to END HYDROCEPHALUS in Orange County for Saturday October 10, 2020 (10/10/20). It will be at the same location, in Huntington Beach. The site is up and open for registration. We have started our Surf 4 Shea team, so please join! You can join under the ‘GET INVOLVED’ and drop down to the ‘WALK’ tab. Stay tuned for more information as we get closer. Per usual, we would love to have everyone there! We are always in need of help, especially with fundraising and sponsorship. If you have any questions or ideas, don’t hesitate to contact us through the ‘CONNECT’ tab.
